Wednesday, December 3, 2014

us girls have got to stick together

I believe us girls have got to stick together, but instead we do the opposite.
We all get our hearts broken over and over by boys but at the end of the day it's the other girls we take it out on.
I don't quite seem to understand why that is so when we've all heard "this is a man's world" and we still don't stop and fight and with every story we hear about the little girl crying in her room because her daddy didn't hit her mom with love but with anger and with every tear that streams down that 17 year old girls face because of every piece of her heart that boy broke when he got bored and decided to jump to another even though she was as faithful and sweet as can be but it doesn't matter to them because it's a man's world and this is a man's world. And I believe that respect needs to had for them but for in an equal way because do remember we are the reason why your little babies are in this world and the reason your little baby girl's tiny hand will squeeze your finger that is the same finger that belongs to your hand the hand that was laid across the mothers face and the hand that ripped the heart out of that 17 year old girl so do please remember boys the next time you see or feel that little baby girl hold on to your finger, rememeber that little baby girl that you would never harm will grow into girls like us. And girls remember the next time you call a girl a terrible name that, us girls have got to stick together.

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