Sunday, October 5, 2014

i don't get it

               the most twisted logic ever,

the people who love you the most hurt you the worse.

   there are people who can barely eat but are five million times happier than I will ever be.

i don't even cross your mind while you are slowly crushing mine.

         on the outside is a smiling family, on the inside is the saddest thing you could ever see.

for every up there's a down.

                        you said forever & always but now we're just awkward glances in the hallways.


  1. you said forever & always but now we're just awkward glances in the hallways.

    Oh my gosh this hurts but I love it so much. So relate able.

  2. So great. People are contradictions.

  3. I feel this.
    I hate it because it's true, but I love this post. You know?
    Sorry, I suck at compliments.

  4. "i don't even cross your mind, and you're crushing mine." mmm yes.
